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Commentary In One Volume (Abridged)

Commentary In One Volume (Abridged)

Matthew Henry's much renowned volumes are now presented in a one-volume
edition of the classic devotional commentary; this abridged text preserves all
that is most valuable and timely in the original multi-volume edition.
The straightforward manner in which Matthew Henry's Commentary brings Scripture to bear on the practical matters of life and of Christian character
together with its deeply reverent, devotional style, have made it the most
beloved Bible commentary of all time. For nearly 300 years, Christians have
consulted its rich insights into the very heart of God's Word. Passage by
passage, its prayerful, penetrating reflections inspire and challenge the
reader. This careful abridgment presents in one volume the wealth of exposition
and comment, metaphors, analogies, and illustrations that have set Matthew
Henry's Commentary apart as one of the enduring legacies of faith. It is ideal
for:- Personal devotions
- Bible study
- Sermon and lesson
preparation Forever fresh and never failing to render new pearls of
wisdom, Matthew Henry's Commentary is a book you will reach for often to obtain
deeper understanding of the Scriptures.Editor: Leslie F.
Church.'Every minister ought to read Matthew Henry entirely and
carefully once at least.' - C.H. SpurgeonVertaald als: Matthew
Henry's verklaring van het Oude en het Nieuwe Testament (2 delen), vertaald
onder redactie van C.A. Tukker en V. Tukker-Terlaak (uitgave: De
Banier).Recommended € 36,90

Commentary In One Volume (Abridged)


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