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Systematische theologie

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  • Doubt, Faith & Certainty

    Anthony C. Thiselton - Doubt, faith, certainty. In this book celebrated theologian Anthony Thiselton provides clarity on these complicated, long-misunderstood theological concepts and the practical pastoral problems they raise for Christians. He reminds us that doubt is not always bad, faith can have different meanings in different circumstances, and certainty is fragile. Drawing ... Meer

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  • Resurrection and Moral Order (2nd ed.)

    Oliver O'Donovan - An Outline for Evangelical Ethics. This seminal work makes a cogent and compelling case for Christian ethics based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Drawing on a profound knowledge both of the history of Christian thought and of contemporary ethical theology, O'Donovan illumines such important concepts as freedom, authority, nature, history ... Meer

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  • The Moral Vision of the New Testament

    Richard B. Hays - Community, Cross, New Creation. A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics. A leading expert in New Testament ethics discovers in the biblical witness a unified ethical vision - centered in the themes of community, cross and new creation - that has profound relevance in today's ... Meer

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  • The Holy Spirit

    Robert Letham - The Holy Spirit is God and indivisible from the Father and the Son. Robert Letham thus develops a holistic and canonical view of the Spirit in the context of the Trinity, the person and work of Christ, and redemption. Heeding the cumulative wisdom of God’s people through the ages, he touches ... Meer

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  • Always Reforming

    A.T.B. McGowan (ed.) - Explorations in Systematic Theology.Although the Reformation took place in the sixteenth century, this was the beginning of something and not the end. The Reformed churches affirmed the need to be semper reformanda ('always reforming').Unfortunately, this commitment to continuing reformation has not been faithfully and consistently maintained over the centuries. At one ... Meer

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  • Improvisation

    Samuel Wells - This introductory textbook establishes theatrical improvisation as a model for Christian ethics, helping Christians embody their faith in the practices of discipleship. Clearly, accessibly, and creatively written, it has been well received as a text for courses in Christian ethics. The repackaged edition has updated language and recent relevant resources, and ... Meer

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  • Systematic Theology 2nd Edition

    Wayne Grudem - Wayne Grudem believes that 'theology is meant to be lived and prayed and sung' - but before this can happen, it must be understood.The most widely-used text of the last 25 years in its discipline, Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem has been thoroughly revised and expanded (all 57 chapters) for the ... Meer

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  • The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls

    Matthew Barrett (ed.) - Many factors contributed to the Protestant Reformation, but one of the most significant was the debate over the doctrine of justification by faith alone. In fact, Martin Luther argued that justification is the doctrine on which the church stands or falls. This comprehensive volume of 26 essays from a host of ... Meer

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  • Covenantal Apologetics

    K. Scott Oliphint - In an age when the works of “New Atheists” such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins fill bookstores and top best-seller lists, the topic of Christian apologetics has never been more timely. Yet the thought of defending the faith against the attacks of unbelievers is daunting to many Christians. Following in ... Meer

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  • RST 01: Revelation and God

    Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley - The church needs good theology that engages the head, heart, and hands. The first volume in a 4-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practicality - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach. This volume explores the first 2 of ... Meer

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